BPD Self Affirmations

Skylyn Ash Lucifer
1 min readJul 27, 2023


  • My experiences are valid, and I can choose to process and experience them with others.
  • I choose whether or not to be alone, based on what I need/would benefit from.
  • My feelings are due to real reasons that deserve to be shared with people who feel safe to me.
  • I deserve to express my feelings.
  • It is not my fault my brain and body are wired differently; BPD is caused by severe childhood trauma and this is why my nervous system and brain are how they are.
  • I deserve self-compassion about what I have experienced.
  • Everyday consists of potential moments for self-gratification, which includes delayed forms of gratification.
  • I learn resilience through making mistakes.
  • I can absolutely problem-solve to develop myself more.
  • I have innate agency of myself, even when I don’t feel that way.
  • Self-care is a fundamental part of my health.
  • I deserve my own respect; including consideration, honesty, empathy, and upholding my self-commitments.
  • My emotions and mental experiences are essential to my personhood.

